A Poem About Mold Illness "Dedicated to all those who have endured mold."

Written by Emily Rachal
Mother of Malachi, Co-Founder of Malachi’s Message

Emily is the Board President of Malachi’s Message Foundation, and one of the founders of Malachi’s Message. She is a fierce advocate for the mold community, and the co-founder of Texas Mold Inspectors, and the founder of MOM’S AGAINST MOLD, a supportive advice based group on Facebook. To read more of Emily’s personal journey with mold please head over to her biography page here.

Doctor, there is something wrong with me.

I hope there’s a magic pill you can prescribe me.

There has to be something that can be done to rid myself of this continued pain?

It’s been months... and I’m still not the SAME!

Your medicine is not working.

What else can you do?

I’m scared........

I can’t make sense of what’s happening to me.

I never had issues with allergies or anxiety.

My periods changed...

I am in so much pain.

It feels like someone is twisting my intestines.

NO, doctor, It’s not my nutrition.

I’m eating well and I’ve cut out all sugar and gluten.

Why are you telling me I’m okay?

My hair is falling out; my muscles are starting to twitch;

I feel so tired all the time and it’s NOT because I’m a parent.

There is something truly wrong!

I can’t run anymore, I’m now exercise intolerant.

Look at my Face!!!

Have you seen my back?

Look at this cystic acne,

Doctor please.... I’m in my thirties.

Why isn’t your medicine working?

Thank you again Doctor for your time;

but I don’t see how this is all in my mind.

I’m young... and I loved life.

Now I just want to hide... sometimes die;

because no one seems to understand me

and what I’m battling or how I'm struggling.

Every morning my joints ache.

It’s hard to get out of bed,

I feel so tired like I never slept.

My heart’s palpitating,

My head feels inflamed - nothing is curing that pain.

I feel like I can’t hear well.

The sun now hurts my eyes,

sometimes I feel like fainting...

My breathing is now laboring...

And this chronic sinus pain is never ending...

I know my memory is being affected,just look at my desk, it’s a mess!

It’s now littered with tons of sticky notes.

I’ll forget where I park my car... if I don't take a photo!!!

I feel dumb, like all the


I now have trouble following a conversation.

It’s also hard for me to sit and pay attention.

My love for books is gone... since I now can’t retain any of the books content or information.

My child is also not well.

He’s constantly sick.

His diarrhea causes him to bleed; because it’s so acidic.

He screams in pain and I don’t know why???

He has weird rashes and dark circles under his eyes.

He’s regressed! He’s angry! He’s anxious and tired all the time...

My husband is different too,

He’s had nose bleeds and swollen gums.

He’s lost interest in a lot of things.

It seems like he is always sleepy.

He’s also lost quite a bit of weight.

He seems depressed NOT stressed!

I definitely feel like our marriage is being put to the test.

We never used to fight.

But it seems like, we do a lot of that now and I don’t know why?

Hi again Doctor,

I pray this time you will have my answer;

because I’m only getting sicker.

You want to run more tests?

That’s fine with me.

"My blood work is fine," you say....

My X-Ray looks normal, and my

ultrasound revealed nothing!

Doctor, How can that be?

I promise, I’m not crazy!!!

No I don’t need therapy!

Thank you, but I’m just going to leave.

Once again, you were unable to help me.

Why GOD... doesn’t anyone believe me???

What is happening to me!!!

C’Mon THINK...




Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: A Personal Account of Military Housing Toxicity 


My Journey Through Mold: From Unknowing to Thriving