Emotional Support Services

Losing your health and home as a result of toxic mold exposure can be devastating, and those of us behind Malachi’s Message Foundation understand this firsthand.

Our founders, staff, and board of directors are all survivors of toxic mold exposure and know how difficult it is to navigate moving forward, trying to rebuild your life, find safer housing, and the pain of trying to explain to your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues, what we have all experienced and how our lives have been so dramatically impacted. It’s not easy, and our sincere hope is that you will find comfort, compassion, and solidarity here within the safety of what Malachi’s Message offers to our greater mold impacted community.

No matter what your unique situation is, our free virtual emotional support programs offer assistance to meet your season of life and unique situation. You are not alone. Meet survivors and others in your situation in an online setting, and gain the necessary skills to navigate these life challenges with the help of our dedicated volunteers.

Join Our Virtual Support Group

The Peer to Peer Emotional Virtual Support Group meets three times monthly for emotional support meetings via ZOOM, and follow-up discussion takes place in our gathering place on Facebook. Each month a new topic is introduced into the group and a presentation is offered during the zoom meeting, offering ideas, perspective, and education, empowering attendees to better manage stress, how to discuss their situation with loved ones, and so much more.

We encourage you to join the group, introduce yourself, and attend meetings to connect with others from across the country with similar stories to yours. The healing that comes from sharing our stories, sharing our victories, and connecting with others on a similar path is quite profound. We look forward to welcoming you to a meeting soon!

Zoom Meetings Offered:

Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Central Time.

Third Wednesday of each month, 10:00 AM to 11:30 PM Central Time.

Last Thursday of each month, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Central Time.

Future meetings dedicated to more individualized support, and focused on bringing individuals together that are in the same season of life, are on the horizon.

Malachi’s Message Virtual and In-Person Events

Check out what’s coming up in 2024 by scrolling through our events calendar.

What Rules Do We Follow During A Zoom Meeting?

To ensure a safe, respectful, and productive environment for everyone, please take a moment to review the following guidelines:

  • Punctuality and Starting on Time:

    We will begin the meeting exactly five minutes after the hour to allow everyone a chance to settle in. During these first five minutes, you’re welcome to chat openly with fellow members. At the five-minute mark, we kindly ask that all conversations end so we can begin the session promptly.

    1. Privacy and Confidentiality:

      This is a private space where members are encouraged to share openly. What is shared in this group stays within the group. Please do not share any personal stories, names, or details discussed here with anyone outside of this meeting.

    2. Respect for All Members:

      We are here to support one another, and respecting each other's privacy and vulnerability is paramount. Please be mindful of your words and actions, and approach all interactions with kindness and empathy.

    3. Meeting Structure:

      This session will be led by a facilitator who will guide the meeting with a presentation and slideshow. There will be specific times for open sharing and dialogue, as well as periods where timed content will be covered. Please be respectful of the agenda and the facilitator’s guidance to ensure a smooth and productive meeting.

    4. Screensharing and Screenshots:

      Screensharing will be turned off for all participants except the facilitator. To protect the privacy of our members, we kindly ask that you do not take any screenshots or recordings during the meeting.

    5. Microphone Etiquette:

      Please keep your microphone on mute unless it is your turn to speak or the facilitator has opened the floor for discussion. This helps minimize background noise and ensures that everyone can hear clearly.

    6. Respect for Time:

      We ask that everyone be mindful of the time, both when sharing and during the presentation. This allows us to cover all the planned content and ensures that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

    7. Staying on Topic:

      To ensure that our time together is as meaningful and productive as possible, please stay focused on the topic of the presentation and discussion. While we value everyone’s input, we ask that you refrain from bringing up unrelated issues during the meeting. This helps us maintain a supportive and relevant conversation for all participants.

    8. Technical Considerations:

      If you experience any technical difficulties, please try to resolve them as quickly as possible. If needed, you can use the chat function to communicate with the facilitator or co-host.

    9. Support and Resources:

      If at any point you feel overwhelmed or need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the chat facilitators privately through the chat function. We are here to support you. We will announce who the chat facilitators are at the start of the meeting so you can meet them and engage with them as needed throughout the course of the support meeting.

    Thank you for being a part of our community and for contributing to a respectful and supportive environment. We look forward to a meaningful and enriching session with all of you.

Members share their healing journey…

"It's been a blessing to have somewhere to go to confirm you are not crazy or alone. I look forward to listening to others as well as providing any support I can give to other members during these meetings." 

— Heather B.

“One year ago when we left our home and all our belongings because of toxic mold,  I was so very sick and felt so alone and scared. Having this group and the zoom meetings made all the difference. Knowing I wasn't alone or crazy and having people that were further along in the healing journey helped so much and made an unbearable situation bearable.  Thank you.”

— Dawn P.

“I just wanted to come on here and say that I am a newbie to Malachi‘s Message, and I truly believe that I was led to here by the hand of God. While I may be a newbie, the welcome that I got from everyone made me feel like a old and loved friend. I can relate with so much of everyone else’s stories, it’s like we all overlap. I am very grateful to have been led here and met so many new friends that I dearly care about. I look forward to growing with Malachi’s message. Sharing our testimonies and learning is all about recharging one another. Iron sharpens iron. I’m grateful for all the love, compassion and friendships.”

— Robbie W.

Our Assistance Programs